PAUSE 16.02 – PAT ANSWERS VIDEO: What Is Malaise Anyway?
February 10, 2016
Welcome to the first in a six part series of short (3 minute) videos that explore the new topic I’ve been developing: Rekindling The Spark – Navigating Mid-Life Malaise.
Today’s focus: Malaise – What Is It Anyway? Other topics in this series will be released in the weeks ahead. For details on what’s coming up, see below.
Just click on the image below to access the video for this episode. Enjoy!
Watch for upcoming PAT ANSWERS Videos in this series:
Episode #2: Malaise – Who cares? Why does it matter?
Episode #3: Malaise – Isn’t it just an ‘old folks’ problem?
Episode #4: Malaise – How do people deal with the challenge?
Episode #5: Malaise – What can you do to find your way through?
Episode #6: Malaise – How do you help those caught in the grip?
Engagement Series – I’m partnering with the Edwards School of Business at the University of Saskatchewan to deliver three spring sessions as part of a brand new Engagement Series. Sessions include: Fueling Enthusiasm, Boosting Energy & Tapping Passion. Sign up for one or save a bundle by registering for all three. This link takes you to the Engagement Series Info.
Pick Me – Are you one of the 94 Pause readers who have already entered your name in the draw to celebrate my 30 years in biz? If not, you’ll find the scoop on the three prizes and entry details at Celebrating The Leap.
PAUSE – 14.19 – Five Ways to Perk Up Your Life
May 14, 2014
Reflection: Back in January, a local TV station asked me to share a few ideas to help people cope with Blue Monday. That’s the Monday of the last full week in January – what is referred to by many as the most depressing day of the year.
While the Blue Monday pedigree is questionable, everyone has blue days and they don’t limit themselves to the month of January!
There’s no need to hold in reserve the strategies you can use to perk up your life when you’re feeling low.
Action: Here are five actions to perk up your life any time you need a boost: (more…)
PAUSE – 14.07 – Step Back To Step Ahead
February 19, 2014
Reflection: If you happened to view any of the three short videos I shared while the regular Pause ezine was on hiatus, you would have caught one or more messages about the value of stepping back to step ahead. Just in case you missed it or them, today I’m sharing a ‘summing up’ and a link to the complete article.
I have come to understand that nonstop action is a dead end strategy for success. When we nix time-outs, we just hit the wall – not the mark. Sometimes we really do have to step back to step ahead. Making the most of our days involves building strategic pauses into everyday experiences.
When we step back, stand down and chill out, we tap more readily into renewal, appreciation and perspective.
Action: Here are nine (3 x 3) pause practices that will help you generate more energy, enthusiasm and insight. (more…)
Home For Frosty
January 7, 2014
As many of you will know, near the end of December I held a little contest to find a Home For Frosty.
The Frosty in question is the sketch you see to the left of this post. He was the inspiration for the ‘learn to paint’ exercise that I did with the CTV Morning Show team when I introduced the new Sketches of Saskatoon book in an interview before Christmas.
53 Pause ezine readers offered up a home for Frosty. One lucky reader had her name drawn out of the hat, and Frosty is already on his way to hang his hat with her.
This short video clip, recorded first thing in the new year, brings you a lively New Years greeting and shares the inside scoop on the results of the Home For Frosty contest.
I do hope you are staying warm wherever you happen to be, and enjoying the best of a brand new year.
February Blues Banisher
February 15, 2013
Here’s a little visual magic and music to banish those mid February blues and brighten your day, complements of the Pauseworks Studio. Enjoy, and pass it along!
For details on these paintings and more, check out the Pauseworks Studio on Fine Art America.
Five Ways To Make 2012 A Better Year
January 3, 2012
Feeling squeezed by the pressures of this crazymaking world of ours? Unless you’re in the end stages of childbirth (a rare occurrence for most of us), don’t simply bear down and push harder. In everyday experience, that leads directly to crash ‘n’ burn or blur ‘n’ endure.
If you want better outcomes, make better choices. Stop overloading and start rightloading your life.
Here are five ways to move in a more positive direction for the year ahead:
Shift how you carry the load. Step away from your work and responsibilities every 90 minutes or so to do something renewing. See frequent pauses as an investment in being able to continue – not a reward for being done.
Watch how you define the load. Stop creating discretionary burdens. When you don’t know how something will turn out (and we rarely do), assume the best. Refuse to wallow in worry. See meltdowns as optional – not inevitable.
Learn to control the load. Negotiate expectations – speak up about overloading, multi-loading and perpetual loading. Monitor the place of technology in your life. Set your own rules for when you are connected and unplugged.
Make time to celebrate the load. Relationships and opportunities come with demands and expectations; they also deliver rewards. Some things that we complain we ‘have to do’ we are actually lucky we ‘get to do’. Give an unreserved ‘Yes’ to invitations that will enrich your life.
Put speed in its place. A fast answer is not necessarily a good answer. Every request is not an emergency. There’s no need to constantly pepper our conversations with the word, quick: a quick word, a quick trip, a quick lunch, a quick visit. Conversations, lunches and connections are all legitimate uses of time.
Calm down. Slow down. Take it easy. Press pause…think again!
PS – For more helpful action-prompting suggestions on this theme, get yourself a copy of my latest book (Press Pause…Think Again) and nab a copy or two for others who share your dilemma. Start a Press Pause support team and create a more sane and satisfying environment in the year ahead. Happy New Year!
‘Box Of Crayons’ Offers Words Of Inspiration For 2011
January 5, 2011
Michael Bungay Stanier, author of More Great Work, and founder of ‘Box of Crayons’ offers this cool 48 second video with words of inspiration for 2011. Great words – great ideas – great work.
Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame Induction
December 9, 2010
What a great honor for me to be inducted into the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame. The announcement was made December 7, 2010, at the annual CAPS (Canadian Association of Professional Speakers) Convention held in Montreal.
The Hall of Fame is a peer award for individuals who are recognized for their excellence on the platform, their longevity and success in the business, and their contributions to the speaking industry. That’s Warren Evans CSP, long time speaker colleague and friend (and HoF member himself) presenting me with the award. There are now 24 members from across the country who have been inducted into the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame.
I am the fourth female speaker, and the second speaker working from Saskatchewan to be honored as a member of the Hall. Needless to say, I am delighted by the recognition. Even more than that, I so appreciate the support I have received over more than two decades in business from this great community of generous and talented colleagues.
Congratulations to Linda Edgecombe, CSP, a friend and colleague from British Columbia, who was also inducted on the same evening.
Thanks to Dov Friedman, CAPS Convention photographer, for so graciously gifting me with these images from the awards ceremony. This link will take you to Dov’s website, where you can learn more about his wonderful photography.
Sunny Smiles
August 31, 2010
Ask and ye shall receive. Through the month of August I invited Pause readers to send along pics of their favorite smiles and grins. What a fabulous collection arrived on my desktop – bringing me smile after smile as I opened each message and clicked on the pics.
I’ve put together a compilation to share with you and the world. Hope you enjoy these Sunny Smiles. Share the link with others who just might need a lift and a laugh!
More Summer Reading
August 16, 2010
Video notes on a few new books I’ll be dipping into during the dog days of summer.