This collection of videos gives you a good idea of the messages I can bring to you and your organization.
Growing Your People & Results in Value & Worth offers an overview of the need to enhance Energy, Enthusiasm & Insight.
These three topic areas are highlighted with two videos each. You’ll find an introductory video for each of: Energy, Enthusiasm and Insight. And following those intros, you’ll find a set of videos that offers a trio of action ideas for each of those three topics.
Lighting A Spark is a new topic that looks at Rekindling Spirit in the face of malaise. My TEDX video introduces this concept.
Learn more about this topic in the Six Part Video Series On Spark & Malaise. Each three minute video addresses one of the most commonly asked questions about Spark and Malaise.
Listen and watch along with some of my previous audiences to get a sense of my presentation style. I hope you enjoy this sampling of highlights.
Contact Pat now to discuss how she can help meet your upcoming programming and professional development needs.
Check out Pat’s offerings in each of these four areas: Boosting Energy, Fueling Enthusiasm, Inspiring Insight, and Rekindling Spirit.