PAUSE – 14.07 – Step Back To Step Ahead
Reflection: If you happened to view any of the three short videos I shared while the regular Pause ezine was on hiatus, you would have caught one or more messages about the value of stepping back to step ahead. Just in case you missed it or them, today I’m sharing a ‘summing up’ and a link to the complete article.
I have come to understand that nonstop action is a dead end strategy for success. When we nix time-outs, we just hit the wall – not the mark. Sometimes we really do have to step back to step ahead. Making the most of our days involves building strategic pauses into everyday experiences.
When we step back, stand down and chill out, we tap more readily into renewal, appreciation and perspective.
Action: Here are nine (3 x 3) pause practices that will help you generate more energy, enthusiasm and insight.
Pause For Renewal
- Get your sleep.
- Space out your commitments.
- Breathe.
Pause For Appreciation
- Draw attention to the things you value.
- Top your own tank every day.
- Savour more widely and often.
Pause For Perspective
- Tune in the extraordinary.
- Make time to debrief.
- Outwit life’s downers.
For more details and examples on how and why to put these suggestions into practice, see the link to the full article in the Resources section.
Quotes Of The Week: One of the secrets of a happy life is continuous small treats. – Iris Murdoch
The richest, happiest, and most productive lives are characterized by the ability to fully engage in the challenge at hand, but also to disengage periodically and seek renewal. – Loehr & Schwarz
Resources Of The Week: Here’s the link to the full text of the article: Cultivating Paus-ativity – Stepping Back To Step Ahead. Feel free to share it with others. You might even use it as a jumpstart for discussion at your next staff gathering.
And, by the way, if you missed the earlier videos for each of these areas, you can access them through these links:
Readers Write:
In response to an earlier e-zine ‘Heh, Where’s My Coffee?’ Pause reader Verlie W writes: Yesterday morning I dropped a ‘go mug’ full of coffee on my way out the door to work. It ran all over my floors, splashed up my hall walls and seeped under the door of my linen closet. After an instant reflex action of total annoyance, I took a moment to pause and put this into perspective for the small issue that it really was.
I think I am getting it, Pat, because at the end of it all, I enjoyed a very sensory experience. Coffee flowing freely across floors and being rung out of a mop gives off far more aroma than when it’s contained in a go mug!
I couldn’t believe it when I got into work and my very first email was your newsletter, ‘Hey, Where is my Coffee?’ That gave me an even better story to share with my co-workers! I had a great day. Thank you for always challenging me to keep perspective.
Tags: appreciation, attitude, burnout, energy, focus, health, inspiration, learning, overload, overwhelm, Pat Katz, Patricia Katz, pause, perspective, productivity, Saskatoon, speaker, stress, success, time out, video, wellness