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In thirty five years as a speaker and consultant, I have inspired tens of thousands of people to accomplish what matters most in ways that bring more peace of mind. By reducing the impact of overload and overwhelm in the workplace, I help organizations and their leaders generate stronger results, deepen engagement, and create a more satisfying work and life experience for all. Clients call on me to help them boost energy, fuel enthusiasm and inspire insight.
I am the bestselling author of six books and also write Pause, an online newsletter enjoyed by 5000 subscribers. As an expert in renewal and appreciation, I’m a frequent media guest expert on issues of balance, stress, wellness, productivity, encouragement and recognition.
I hold a Masters degree in Continuing Education, and am an inductee of the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame. I’ve served in many executive leadership roles in regional, provincial and national professional associations.
Throughout my professional life, I’ve always been a grower, a communicator, an encourager, and an educator.
In the first half of my professional life, I worked in rural youth programming with the University of Saskatchewan. That work expanded to include staff and volunteer leadership development.
When I launched my own consulting business in 1986, I carried that development focus with me into the programming. I delivered countless seminars on time, organization and stress skills through many and varied community groups and corporations.
After years of helping people enhance productivity, I realized that many highly productive individuals continue to feel overwhelmed by their loads and disappointed with their accomplishments. This led me to investigate – through research and Masters level study – the concept of time starvation.
The work and the study led me to focus on balance and wellness – helping individuals and organizations restore a rhythm of renewal – balancing the press for performance with an equally critical pause for renewal.
In recent years, I’ve been called on to teach people how to adopt a more appreciative mindset about their world, to connect more deeply with the value of their contributions, and to be more active and effective in encouraging others.
I’ve come to understand that investing in renewal and appreciation are critical to both individual and organizational wellbeing. Toss in the ability to harvest insights from everyday experience (to learn as you go) and to rekindle spirit in the face of malaise – and you have an awesome four part strategy for deepening engagement in work and in life.
It all starts with pressing pause and thinking again!
Since 1986, has delivered conference keynotes, seminars, and follow up support to tens of thousands of individuals in all kinds of organizations across Canada. Twenty five years as a contracted facilitator of programs for U of S (Business & Leadership in Extension, Continuing & Distance Education, Edwards School of Business).
University of Saskatchewan Extension Specialist/Provincial Supervisor – Youth, Staff, and Volunteer Development – 14 years
7 years providing weekly newspaper columns to Canadian dailies
20 years authoring a weekly e-zine, Pause
Featured in print publications ranging from daily newspapers across Canada to the national Globe & Mail
Served as a contributing expert for articles in: Your Workplace Magazine, The National Post, Investment Executive, Farmers of North America, Homemakers’ Magazine, CMHA Balance Magazine, Home Business Report, Costco Connection, Country Guide, Woman’s World, Family Practice, Today’s Parent, Western Living
Featured as a guest expert on Report on Business TV and CTV’s Balance Website
Served as spokesperson for a Proctor & Gamble product release
Guest expert on 24 episodes of CBC’s nationally syndicated television program, What On Earth
Featured time specialist on TV program, The Simple Way
Masters In Continuing Education from University of Calgary -1999 – Learning In The Workplace specialty. Masters final project focused on Time Starvation
Bachelor of Science in Home Economics from University of Saskatchewan – 1973 – Communications & Group Development specialty
An inveterate reader, web surfer, conference and seminar junkie, Patricia constantly challenges herself to learn, and it shows in the depth of her work
Pioneer in satellite broadcasting for educational purposes:
Facilitated 16 management development modules for Credit Union Central
Co-wrote & produced ‘The Instructor Road Test – Featuring The Bumbling Educator – a distance learning event for adult educators
Designed and hosted interactive broadcast on Distance Learning, for Canadian Association of University Continuing Educators Conference
First woman President of the National Board of CAPS (the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers), and served on the National Board and its committees for many years
Past President of the Saskatchewan Training & Development Association and Past Program Chair for Saskatchewan Association of Human Resource Professionals (Saskatoon)
2010 – Inducted into Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame
2010 – YWCA Women of Distinction Award Winner in Leadership & Management
2009 – Women Entrepreneur’s Business of The Year
2007 & 2008 RBC Canadian Woman Entrepreneur Awards Nominee
2002 YWCA Women of Distinction Award Nominee in Entrepreneurship category
2001 Canadian Association of Professional Speakers Service Award
1999 Nominee for Saskatchewan Home Based Business Association – Business of the Year Award
1995 Nominee for Rotary Clubs of Saskatoon Golden Wheel Award For Excellence in Commerce & Industry
1993 Nominee for National HRD Canada Award of Excellence, Human Resource Practitioner Of The Year
Patricia at work in the garden – the early years
Wife of 47 years
Mother of two grown daughters
Grandmother to three young boys
Enthusiastic traveler, committed gardener, skilled watercolor artist
Call me (877-728-5289) or email me. Let’s set up a time for us to chat about what you need and how I can help. I’m excited about working with you and your people to build capacity, minimize stress, and enhance performance.
If you’re partial to the story behind the scenes and enjoy a bit of color commentary, check out Pat – The Inside Scoop. Or enjoy checking out Video Clips, Candid Photos or the Fine Art Gallery.