Reflection: Places to be. Things to fix. Stuff to do. The lists grow long and the burdens grow heavy.
That’s why, every so often, it helps to pause and step back from the fray – to tap into a fresh perspective on the countless should’s and pressing have-to’s of our lives.
In my presentations on balance and renewal, I often challenge participants with an exercise that invites them to generate their own life wisdom and insights. I invite you to take ten minutes and give it a try yourself. Here’s how the exercise goes.
Action: On a blank sheet of paper, write the date and year of your 80th birthday. (Hopefully you won’t need a calculator to figure it out!)
Next, bring to mind a ten-year-old boy or girl sitting at your knee looking up at you with admiration. Give that child a name – real or fictional. Imagine the youngster saying, “You’ve lived a VERY long time. What can you tell me about what really matters in life?”
Your task is to put pen to paper starting with the words:
Dear (insert his/her name), You’ve asked me to tell you what really matters in life. Here’s what I’ve learned so far…
Give yourself ten minutes to jot down every idea that pops into your mind. (more…)