I just returned from several days of learning and sharing with my speaker colleagues at our annual CAPS Convention in Toronto. As with most experiences, I try to harvest the goodies before they fade into the background and life moves me ‘on to the next’.
Here are some of my take aways from this year’s conversations. Some are more specific to the entrepreneurial world of speakerdom – but many have general life application. So I thought I’d share them all.
Alan Weiss: Real wealth is discretionary time.
Bob Gray: If you want to remember something – or want others to remember – tie the idea to the whackiest, goofiest, silliest, most disconnected image possible. It confuses the brain and anchors the memory.
BG2: ‘I’m too old!’ really means ‘Leave me alone. I’m in my comfort zone.’
Mike Domritz: If you want to have more of an impact, ask people how they are going to USE the information they’ve just heard. Don’t ask how much they liked you, your information, or the presentation itself.
Donald Cooper: In reply to a question about retirement: I’m doing the best work of my life. Why would I stop?
Laura Stack: Stop trying to break through the wall. Go for the open door and the people who already want what you’re doing.
LS2: A brand is what happens in the brain of your audience.
Cheryl Cran: Want to know how your work is received by Gen Y (the millenials)? Ask one of them to critique your presentation, your writing, your materials, your website. They’ll tell you what they think.
David Gouthro: What’s your mindset? Critical or appreciative? Choose to travel your day as a Gem Collector not a Crap Detector.
Cameron Hay: We cannot afford speakers who are mediocre in front of our members. Our program is our brand.
Mark Sanborn: There are no singular solutions. We each offer a piece of the puzzle.
MS2: Success is just an early warning indicator of failure.
Sam Horn: People don’t want more information; they want epiphanies.
Hope these ideas give you a little food for thought, too.