art show and sale

Artists’ Workshop Spring Show & Sale Coming Soon

April 7, 2023

In just two weeks, our Artists’ Workshop group will throw open the doors and share an enthusiastic welcome to our Spring Show & Sale.  This is your personal invitation to join us to enjoy all of the brand-new original works we’ve been creating.

The event will be held at Grace Westminster Church (505 10th St E in Saskatoon) on Friday, April 21 (5-8), Saturday, April 22 (10-4) and Sunday, April 23 (12-4).

‘Viewpoints’ is the theme of this year’s show. We celebrate the many different paths that have led us to our work, the variations in what inspires each of us, and the individual ways that viewers and collectors experience what we create.

Unique to the 2023 show will be a set of works expressing our nine different interpretations of the color palette featured in our show logo.  (more…)

Less Than A Week To Go…

April 25, 2022

Duplex For Rent

We’re less than a week away from the opening of our Artists’ Workshop 2022 Spring Show & Sale.

It’s been a fun adventure sorting through my work from the last three years to decide what I will present in the show.

Amazingly, I’m feeling pretty much ready for the big event.

Maybe that’s a result of having had the last three years to prepare for it.

If I had to choose one word to describe the work I’ll be presenting it would be ‘varied’.

Black Fox Flowers

All of the work is watercolor – nothing has changed there. Some is watercolor with pen and some without.

Some works are on paper and others on canvas. Some are matted and framed under glass; others are presented on stretched canvas with a varnished finish or mounted on cradleboard with a waxed finish.

The inspirations are wide ranging, too.

There aren’t quite so many streetscapes as in the past – given that my travel wings have been clipped.

There are a few landscapes, a few rural scenes, quite a few florals, and a large number of still life pieces.

Rural Roots

The sizes range from 6 x 6” up to 29 x 22” (which is pretty darn big for me).

I’ve got over 40 pieces in this year’s collection.

Just a few of them are featured here.

My eight colleagues in the AW group have all been enthusiastically creating art as well.

Ravello Terra Cotta

There will be plenty of work to enjoy and make your own.

So you don’t have to go digging for them, here are the show details again.

This year’s event will be hosted at Grace Westminster Church Auditorium (505 10th Street E here in Saskatoon) on these dates at these times:

  • Friday, April 29, 5-8
  • Saturday, April 30, 10-4
  • Sunday, May 1, 12-4

Sure hope to see you there!