Pat Katz Pat Katz

Take A Bow – 67 Ways To Pause For Applause, Celebrate Your Success, & Keep Your Spirits High

Take a Bow Cover Image

– A booklet by Patricia Katz

Published 2012 – 28 pages – 3.5″ x 9.
Discounts provided on quantity purchases.

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In this crazy busy world of ours, it’s easy to become discouraged, disheartened, and ultimately, disengaged.

Although we do make a positive difference for others by offering words of encouragement and extending our appreciation, in the end, it falls to each of us to feed our own enthusiasm for life.

This booklet offers simple, doable ways to feel better about who you are and what you do. As more people appreciate themselves and their contributions, everyone wins. We build workplaces, homes and communities bursting with commitment, connection, and creativity.

Licensing is also available for posting on corporate intranets.

Booklets can be built into the package price of conference presentations and training events. Inquire about special pricing these specific uses.

For a peek at the contents, download pdf excerpt: Take A Bow Sample

Take A Bow is a companion to the very successful Take A Break booklet which is also available for purchase.