Clients Served
Over the years, Pat has worked with groups in a number of different sectors: agriculture, business and finance, associations, education and healthcare, and government. Here is a representative sample from various industries.
- AITC (Agriculture In The Classroom)
- Agrium
- Cargill
- CNH (Case New Holland)
- Farm Credit Canada
- Holstein Association USA
- PFRA (Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Admin)
- Sask Pork
- Saskatchewan Crop Insurance
- United Farmers of Alberta
- Yara Belle Plaine (Saskferco)
Business & Finance
- Ag West Bio
- BHPBilliton
- Cameco
- Certified General Accountants – MB & SK
- Cooperators Insurance
- Credit Institute of Canada
- Credit Union Central & Various Individual Credit Unions
- Deloitte & Touche
- Harvard Developments
- Humpties Restaurants
- Information Services Corporation
- Innovation Place
- International Road Dynamics
- Investors Group
- McDougall Gauley Law
- Myers Norris & Penny
- Royal Bank of Canada
- Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority
- Saskatchewan Trade & Export Partnership
- Syncrude
- Saskatchewan Trade & Export Partnership
- Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan
- Venmar CES
- Virtus Group
- Yanke
- Alberta College of Speech Language Pathologists & Audiologists
- Alberta Family Childcare Association
- Alberta Homebuilders Association
- Alberta Union of Provincial Employees
- Canada, Manitoba & Saskatchewan 4-H Councils
- Canadian Association of Gift Planners
- Canadian Association of Financial Planners
- Canadian Association of University Research Administrators
- Canadian Diabetes Association
- Canadian National Institute For The Blind
- Canadian Payroll Association
- Canadian Society of Nutrition Management
- Canadian Society of Safety Engineers
- Ducks Unlimited Canada
- Early Childhood Development Support Services
- Funeral & Cremation Council of Saskatchewan
- Help Desk Institute
- Kids First
- Leadership Saskatoon & Leadership Thunder Bay
- Lloydminster Chamber of Commerce
- Manitoba Association of Home Economists
- Professional Engineers & Geoscientists
- Project Management Institute of Saskatchewan
- Project Management Institute of Alberta
- Rural Municipal Administrators Associations (SK & MB)
- Saskatchewan Architects’ Association
- Saskatchewan Association of Optometrists
- Saskatchewan Association of Human Resource Professionals
- Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities
- Saskatchewan Choral Federation
- Saskatchewan Institute of Agrologists
- Saskatchewan Institute of Chartered Accountants
- Saskatchewan Institute of Purchasing Management
- Saskatchewan Medical Association
- Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association
- Saskatchewan Sport & Recreation Association
- Saskatchewan Land Surveyor’s Association
- Saskatchewan Legal Aid Commission
- Saskatchewan Trade & Export Partnership
- Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association
- Textile Rentals Industry Association
- Western Retail Lumberman’s Association
- United Way of Saskatoon
- Wild Rose Foundation
Education & Healthcare
- 3S Health
- Alvin Buckwold Child Development Program
- Calgary, Regina, Saskatoon, Horizons & West Central Public Schools
- Canadian School Boards Association
- Capital Care Grandview
- Churchill Park Family Care Society
- College of Dental Surgeons of Saskatchewan
- Edwards School of Business, University of Saskatchewan
- Health Work & Wellness National Conference
- Medavie Blue Cross
- Mont St. Joseph
- Parkland College
- Prince Albert Parkland Health Region
- Providence Place
- Regina Qu’Appelle Health District
- Regional Colleges (Cumberland, Parkland)
- Royal University Hospital Foundation
- Rural Roots Children’s Centre
- Saskatchewan Association of Healthcare Executives
- Saskatchewan Association of Rehabilitation Centres
- Saskatchewan Cancer Agency
- Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation
- Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science & Technology (Board, Corporate, Kelsey, Palliser, Wascana & Woodland Campuses)
- Saskatchewan Teachers Federation
- Saskatoon Health Region
- St. Paul’s Hospital & Hospital Foundation
- Universities of Calgary, Regina, Saskatchewan & Toronto
- Alberta Agriculture & Rural Development
- Canada Customs Revenue Agency
- Canadian Government Departments (Agriculture, Human Resource, Health, Industry, Corrections, Northern & Indian Affairs, Parks, Service Canada)
- Cities of Regina, Saskatoon, Thunder Bay, Grande Prairie, Leduc
- Crown Corporations (SaskEnergy, SaskTel, SaskPower, Sask Gov Insur)
- Meadow Lake Tribal Council
- Manitoba Agriculture, Food & Rural Initiatives
- Muskeg Lake Cree Nation
- Saskatchewan Government Departments (Agriculture, Corrections & Public Safety, Education, Environment & Resource Management, Government Relations, Health, Highways, Industry & Resources, Labor Relations & Workplace Safety, Legislative Assembly Services, Public Service Commission, & Social Services)
- Saskatoon Tribal Council
What’s Your Next Step?
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