Video Series On Spark & Malaise

Learn more about the challenge of malaise and how to rekindle your spark and refuel your passion in this Six Part Video Series On Spark & Malaise.

Each of the three minute videos that appear below addresses a commonly asked question about Spark and Malaise:

Episode #1: Malaise – What is it anyway?

Episode #1: Malaise – What is it anyway?

Episode #2: Malaise – Who cares? Why does it matter?

Episode #2: Malaise – Who cares? Why does it matter?

Episode #3: Malaise – Isn’t it just an ‘old folks’ problem?

Episode #3: Malaise – Isn’t it just an ‘old folks’ problem?

Episode #4: Malaise - How do people meet the challenge?

Episode #4: Malaise – How do people meet the challenge?

Episode #5: Malaise - What can you do to find your way through?

Episode #5: Malaise – What can you do to find your way through?

Episode #6: Malaise – How do you help those caught in the grip?

Episode #6: Malaise – How do you help those caught in the grip?

What’s Your Next Step?

Contact Pat to discuss bringing this Spark and Malaise message to your organization.

Or check out Pat’s offerings in these other areas: Boosting EnergyFueling Enthusiasm, and Inspiring Insight.