Fine Art Gallery

I started dipping my paintbrush in watercolors and taking classes to sharpen my skills in 2002. Since then, my sketchbook has become a constant companion on my travels. It’s fun to pause for a half hour here and there to capture a scene and the moment.  I also spend time every week painting in my studio here in Saskatoon.

In 2011, I started selling my work, and launched a Fine Art Website through which collectors can purchase originals and reproductions. This link will take you to the Pat Katz – Pauseworks Studio website where you will find my most recent works, updates on art events, and the inside scoop on what’s happening in the studio. New images are posted regularly.

What you see in the mini gallery on this page are early sketchbook images from my journeys to France, Italy and through the northern Mediterranean. I continue to be inspired by the art and architecture of Europe. Click on each thumbnail to see a slightly larger image  with an artist’s note about each painting.

What’s Your Next Step?

If you’re interested my credentials, you’ll find the more formal story (in Short, Narrative, or Complete Detail formats) at Pat – Background Bio.

If you’re partial to the story behind the scenes and enjoy a bit of color commentary, check out Pat – The Inside Scoop or drop in for a look at the Candid Photos.

If you’d like to preview action on the platform, check out Pat – Video Clips.

If you’d like to chat about art, or more importantly, explore how I might help you in addressing some of the overload concerns in your organization, contact me any time.