Down Time Pics

Take a look at how some of your fellow Pause subscribers enjoy relaxing in time-out mode!

Send along pics of your time out experiences and we’ll add them to the collection as we update the site.

Val CL Snow Angels

Val CL Snow Angels

Terri R Niece & puppy

Terri R Niece & puppy

Rhonda S Aussie Skydiving

Rhonda S Aussie Skydiving

Phil R 32 Lb Salmon

Phil R 32 Lb Salmon

Norm O Horsing Around

Norm O Horsing Around

Michele S Quebec Cycling

Michele S Quebec Cycling

Maggie M and Kitty

Maggie M and Kitty

Lurene T Sunset From Deck

Lurene T Sunset From Deck

Laura BD Sun Sand

Laura BD Sun Sand

L&T Bali

L&T Bali

Kevin S Grand Canyon

Kevin S Grand Canyon

Joe R Chariot Racing

Joe R Chariot Racing

Jennifer H With Sasha

Jennifer H With Sasha

Jeff R Baseball Buddies

Jeff R Baseball Buddies

Janet B Driving Draft

Janet B Driving Draft

Jacqueline A With Sam

Jacqueline A With Sam

Debra NM Floating

Debra NM Floating

David G Pudding Face

David G Pudding Face

Dave H Biking

Dave H Biking

Dani D Hanging With Buds

Dani D Hanging With Buds

D Zasparella Chillaxing

D Zasparella Chillaxing

Cecilia J Sketching

Cecilia J Sketching

Bethany S Gardening

Bethany S Gardening

Bela B Cycling & Strawberries

Bela B Cycling & Strawberries