Your Sixth Pauseworks Postcard Pick Of The Week
Here it is! The sixth of nine chances in the 2014 ‘Summer Sketchbook Special’ to own a piece of original art at a sizzling price of just $49 (plus applicable taxes and $10 for shipping).
Quai Aux Fleurs – Paris is number six in the series of Pauseworks Postcards.
Each 4” x 6” postcard features the Pauseworks Studio 2014 postmark in an upper corner.
Each will be surface mounted on a coordinating 6” x 8” mat board ready for framing or display as is.
To claim your PW Postcard, just send me an email with the words ‘I’ll Take It’ in the subject line.
The first reader to call dibs on each week’s mini masterpiece takes it. Enjoy … and may the early bird snag the sketch.
BTW – if another early bird beats you to the draw, and you’d like to order a print or prefer something in a larger size, here’s the link to make that happen: Quai Aux Fleurs – Paris.
Note: Only the original bears the PW Studio stamp.
You can always check out this and other images on my Fine Art PauseWorks Studio Gallery Website.
Tags: appreciation, art, Paris, Pat Katz, Patricia Katz, Pauseworks Studio Gallery, Quai Aux Fleurs - Paris, watercolor