Wandering Lisbon

Largo Do Carmo - Lisbon

Lunching al fresco in Lisbon.

Newstand just opening up for the day in Largo Do Carmo.

Serenaded by one of the happiest roving minstrels I’ve ever met.

Artwork, Travel

No Responses to “Wandering Lisbon”

  1. Linda Clark

    Next time, you will have me as a stow-away in your carry on…love your words and the painting and, let me tell you, MISS MY PAUSE MOMENT from you..have a wonderful time, but for your readers sakes, HURRY BACk, too.


  2. Barbara

    Is Lisbon wandering these days? Glad you’re now able to wander there. Hope it’s all fun!

  3. Faye

    I love this picture, Pat. It makes me think of lazy summer days strolling the streets and stopping to enjoy the little things around us. Thanks for the moment of peace in an otherwise busy day.

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