Something Different

Royal Dane Mall SThomVI-wWhile most of my sketches and paintings are fairly light in look and touch, this one takes a different direction. It’s inspired by the contrasting light and shadow in the alley way in Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas USVI. I worked hard to create the darks in this painting of the Royal Dane Mall, but when the brushwork was done it still lacked something. So I grabbed the chisel point Pigma black ink pen and went to work.

I’m pretty happy with the lively result and thinking I might take this approach again. Hope you enjoy the image.

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Artwork, Travel

4 Responses to “Something Different”

  1. Ruth Goudreau

    Love the extra touches. Provides extra definition.

  2. Rose Brewster

    Well done!! Just the right amount of pen work to define and enhance. 🙂

  3. elaine

    Beautiful work Pat ! We were in St Thomas this time last year. Thanks for sharing your gift and perceptions.

  4. gail

    I do like the image, very much. I am a big fan of all your work. Peaceful and calm. (gail from kamloops)

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