Painting Arizona

Pat Sketching-wA week spent in Sedona and Tucson was good for the soul. Warm air, beautiful colors, distinctive landscapes – not to mention the good friends and food.

Painting and sketching in the mountains and desert were a treat. I might have known I’d run out of Burnt Sienna pigment given the colors that surrounded me.

Here are a couple of the images created – under the Arizona sun!

Bell Rock Sedona-wBell Rock #1 – painted on our first morning in Sedona.

This view from the backyard of our beautiful inn, the Canyon Villa.

L'Auberge Terrace-wLunching along the banks of Oak Creek at L’Auberge Sedona.

Sunshine, salad nicoise, a glass of wine, and ducks to keep us company.

Artwork, Nature, Travel

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