PAUSE – 9.13 – Introducing The Latest
Today’s message is a departure from the usual format of your weekly Pause e-zine. So, be forewarned. If you are someone who is offended by even a hint of self promotion (and I know there are some subscribers on every free e-zine distribution list for whom this is the case), just skip today’s message and return next week to our ‘regular programming’.
This message is intended for all those subscribers who are interested in the context for the weekly Pause message and the latest in new developments at my end.
It’s been almost a year now since I began working on a further focusing of business offerings and the website and materials that represent it all. Those efforts culminated recently with the launch of my newly reincarnated website: I’m delighted to invite you to explore the brand new site, and to think about how my work and message might be helpful in your organization.
Here’s the backstory to what you will see on the site. Last April, I worked with ‘Essential Message’ strategist, Michel Neray, to pinpoint the common threads in the programs I’ve delivered over the last two decades. That work has ranged from workplace and home organization, through time management, stress management, and life balance to appreciation, recognition, and teambuilding.
What I realized in working with Michel, is that most of my work has revolved around one central issue. Namely, the challenge of reducing the impact of overload and overwhelm in our workplaces and our lives at large in order to create stronger results and find more satisfaction.
The new website reflects that focus. I invite you to take a few minutes to explore. Here are a few recommended signposts to help you with your navigation:
– see the latest in conference keynotes ( and concurrent sessions (
– check out the updated listing of corporate training programs (
– take the Overload Competencies Audit at (
– if you’re looking for help bringing more sanity to an existing team check out the new Re-VITAL-ize retreat (; and if you’re looking to get a new team started on the right foot, check out the new Kick Start Retreat (
– Rave Reviews will give you testimonials and a client list. As part of that section, you might be interested in a sampling of Case Studies that describe how I’ve helped different organizations with specific challenges in recent months (
– the Media Centre is a new addition. You’ll find examples of Pat in the Press ( and resources for the media in the form of suggested interview questions, story ideas and special reports (
– the Meet Pat section ( includes updated bio info as well as additions to Candid Pics and the watercolor Art Gallery.
The Pauseworks website ( continues in its role as a resource rich sister site offering: articles and references, surveys and checklists, Pause Shop specials, e-cards, the Pause Blog, as well as Pause Community exchanges and collections. Watch for more additions to the Pauseworks site in the months ahead.
As always, if there is any way I might be of help to you and your organization, please give me a call (877-728-5289) or drop me a line ( I’ll be glad to work with you to see what we can do together to reduce the impact of overload and overwhelm in your workplace to generate stronger corporate results while creating a more satisfying work and life experience for all.