Pat Katz Pat Katz




PAUSE – 18.02 – Take Care Of You & Be Better For Others

Reflection: We’re three weeks into a kitchen renovation, so our home is a tad chaotic these days.

A veritable parade of tradespeople has been rolling through the house: demolition folks, electricians, plumbers, drywallers, carpenters, installers and those keeping track of what others are doing and how it’s going.

It’s been a lively, dusty, noisy experience. Happily, the reno is moving right along – even a bit ahead of schedule.

The fact that my office is in our home makes it doubly challenging for me. At the height of the hubbub, I took client phone calls hunkered deep in the closet of the master bedroom with two sets of doors between me and the noise.

Normally, my practice is to start my days with a walk along the river, a bit of yoga, an inspirational reading, or writing in my journal. Since the reno began, I’ve given that up so that I can be showered, dressed, and ready to answer the door when the first worker of the day comes knocking at 8 am.

I’ve recently noticed that I’m feeling a bit impatient, short tempered, even prone to feeling sorry for myself. That’s not my normal state.

I think that shift in temperament relates to what’s gone missing: time for myself. In forgoing that bit of self-care to start the day, my equilibrium is off.

This week, I’ve reclaimed that early morning time for myself, and I’m already noticing a change for the better.

How had I forgotten this lesson that I learned years ago? When I’m feeling out of sorts it’s usually more related to me not taking care of me than it is to anything that anybody else is or isn’t doing. That means it’s time to hit the walking trail or the yoga mat and put the pen to paper.


Action: Waylon Lewis advises: “When life is rough, get simple. Breathe. Eat real food. Get outside. Catch up with a caring friend who knows your heart.”

What are the actions and strategies that keep you on an even keel? When and how are you working them into your day to be good for yourself and better for others?


Quote Of The Week: When the well’s dry, we know the worth of water. – Benjamin Franklin


Resource Of The Week: You might be interested in this commentary on self-care by Brianna West: This Is What Self-Care REALLY Means, Because It’s Not All Salt Baths And Chocolate Cake.


Readers Write: In response to the recent message, How Do You And Your Calendar Get Along, Pause reader JM writes: Your perspective is so helpful and grounding. I am also starting to embrace a more relaxed pace and so value those periods of open space. I am trying very hard to be fully present and bring joy and a sense of calm to moments.

TZ writes: I usually feel guilty about relaxing, as I feel like I should always be doing something productive.  I especially liked your statement about being open to everything rather than being locked into something as this gives value to time that otherwise looks like “nothing” time.


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Life Balance, Overload & Overwhelm, Pause E-zines, Wellness

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