PAUSE – 16.19 – Might You Need to Recalibrate Success?
Reflection: Funny creatures we are – us human beings! Sometimes me thinks we thinks too much! Cogitating on this! Judging that! Setting implausible expectations!
A speaker colleague of mine, Ron Culberson, recently observed in his blog post on significance that he feared his Success Meter was not calibrated properly. (Read more about his observations in today’s Resource of the Week link).
By way of example, he reports feeling like he’s failed if, by end of day, he hasn’t done something that registers somewhere between noteworthy and stupendous. I’ve been there myself. Have you?
Last week I spoke for the Spiritual Care Association of Saskatchewan. This is a group of people who face really tough situations every single day.
They provide support for individuals and their families when the prospects for a long life or a speedy recovery are just not there. It’s emotionally demanding work – often with no practical, tangible way to ‘solve the problem’ or ‘make things right’.
In many of those tough, end-of-life moments, it’s simply their presence that they can offer. There’s nothing to be done except be there and be available. And, you know what? That counts a lot.
Action: Are there days when your expectations take a crazymaking tilt? Are there days when you stomp on yourself for falling short of your aspirations?
At times like that, take a closer look at how the day unfolded. Give yourself credit for your presence and support in the lives and worlds of others around you.
Chances are good that you made a significant contribution, even if it doesn’t check a box on the proverbial ‘to do’ list.
Quotes Of The Week: I find the capacity to care is the thing which gives life its deepest significance. – Pablo Casals
Success is fine, but success is fleeting. Significance is lasting. – Beth Brooke
Resource Of The Week: Here’s the link to Ron Culberson’s complete article on Success As Significance. I think you might enjoy it.
Readers Write: In response to a recent message, Clear The Decks And Lighten The Load, Pause reader RB writes: When I have time to clear my decks, it is truly uplifting. Like you, nothing in my world will ever pass the white glove test or be complete. My issue is that whenever I see a window of time available that I plan to use for this purpose, somebody else’s (i.e. boss, hubby) agenda leaps to the front of the queue and is ‘oh so much more important’. That leaves me frustrated and behind the eight ball even more than I was before. Even if I state in advance (to hubby) or block the time in my calendar (at work) the tidal wave takes over. My time rarely seems to be my own to control. Sigh! Maybe I need smaller bites and lower expectations of myself.
Tags: appreciation, attitude, burnout, encouragement, excellence, focus, health, motivation, overload, overwhelm, Pat Katz, Patricia Katz, pause, perspective, presence, purpose, success, wellness, workload