PAUSE – 15.27 – Let The Fall Lift You Up
My Thoughts:
Nothing marks the passage of time more dramatically than the changing of the seasons. Here on the Canadian prairies, the days are growing shorter, the temperatures are dropping, and the colors are changing.
Why not let the shifting of the season be a catalyst for other changes in your world?
Your Thoughts:
Are there relationships or organizations that have faded in importance and no longer mean as much to you?
Are there tasks that were once a delight that now feel like heavy obligations?
Are there new pursuits calling for your attention – urging you to make time and space for them?
This could be the perfect season to let go of something you’ve outgrown while reaching out for something new. Where could you make changes for the better? How could you let fall lift you up?
News Notes:
Spark News: Thanks to the generous Pause readers who contributed their stories about how a fresh challenge, direction or interest rekindled their excitement and enthusiasm for life. I was inspired just reading about your adventures.
The names of all the Spark Story contributors were tossed into the virtual hat. I am happy to announce that Jayne Suderman is the lucky recipient of a complimentary copy of the book, Life Reimagined.
Although it’s now too late to enter the draw, there’s still time to send along YOUR story. Contributions continue to be welcome.
Travel Notes: It’s not every week that I deliver six programs in six days in six different cities. But that was my calendar last week. I’m grateful for smooth travels and on time flights.
It was a thrill meeting and presenting to so many members of the Canadian Payroll Association throughout BC. I also really enjoyed my time delivering a session on ‘Creating An Intentional Legacy’ for the Alberta Union of Public Employees Women in Leadership Conference in Edmonton. A special welcome to the new Pause followers from these events.
Tags: attitude, autumn, change, encouragement, fall, inspiration, motivation, overload, overwhelm, Pat Katz, Patricia Katz, pause, perspective, Saskatoon, seasons, speaker, stress, success, wellness