Pat Katz Pat Katz




PAUSE – 15.24 – And Now For Something Completely Different

Wash Stand-wReflection: Last week was busy for me. Maybe it was for you, too.

I worked on the design for upcoming September presentations, met with clients to share info on programs, provided impromptu daycare for my 8 year old grandson, scanned and posted more of my sketches from Europe, and so it went.

There was progress on several fronts, and I loved it all. Still, by the end of the week, my brain was weary and my body was tired from too much time spent in front of the computer.

I found myself casting around for a weekend activity that would meet this criteria: ‘And now for something completely different…’ (Thank you Month Python.)

I found the answer hiding in my garage in the form of an old washstand that I inherited as a treasure from the farm. It was coated with varnish discolored over time. About a year ago I bought supplies to refinish and refurbish.

And that was how I came to spend three hours on Saturday morning laboring away in the garage where the airflow could blow away the fumes. That varnish-lifting gel did its work – slowly but powerfully. Gotta love chemistry!

And, while it did its thing, I let my mind drift back over sweet memories from my days on the farm. I scraped away those layers of ancient varnish to find the underlying wood grain rise to the top. The washstand was renewed and so was I.

It was exactly the right project for the moment – challenging but not too mentally taxing, physical, practical and very hands on. What’s more it had a beginning and an end. And, it took only a few hours – not days or weeks.

Am I done? Not quite. There’s still sanding and then waxing. But round one is behind me, and next steps await another day when I once more need a change of pace.


Action: Contrast and variety can be such powerful forms of renewal.

If you’ve been using your brain all week, what could you do to give your body a work out?

If you’ve been physically challenged, what could you do that would rest your body and exercise your mind?

Think variety. Think contrast. Reach out for something completely different. Let me know what you choose and how it goes.


Quotes Of The Week: Here are a couple of well-seasoned chestnuts for you.

A change is as good as a rest. – Winston Churchill

Variety’s the very spice of life that gives it all its flavor. – William Cowper


Resource Of The Week: You might find Deborah Shane’s article in Small Business Trends sparks a few ideas for renewal in your life: 22 Ways to Renew Your Spirit and Get Your Mojo Back.


Readers Write: In response to a recent message, Life Lessons From The Road, Pause reader RB writes: This one really made me think! I have been wanting to go on a vacation to someplace new and exciting, but have been lamenting the fact that I have no one to go with. A light bulb went on when I read your comment, ‘How might it enrich our everyday lives, if we carved out time for solo experiences just a tad more often?’ Maybe it is time I venture out on my own!! As a busy single mom I don’t get that very often.


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Life Balance, Overload & Overwhelm, Pause E-zines, Wellness

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