Pat Katz Pat Katz




Pause – 15.07 – Will You Leave Them Smiling?

Reason Someone Smiles-w


My Thoughts:

So many of our everyday exchanges are predictable, dull and matter of fact.

What if we made it our business to add a bit more warmth or life to our conversations?

A smile. A compliment. A light hearted remark. A genuine expression of concern.

Each effort on our part could make a huge difference to someone else.


Your Thoughts:

What could you do or say that might leave someone smiling today?

What will you do?

And who are those people with the goofy grins on their faces as you walk out the door?


News Notes:

One of the reasons that I write these weekly Pause messages is that I know they bring a touch of sanity to an overwhelming world.

Many of you tell me how much you value Pause as a breath of fresh air in the middle of your week.

I’m eager to extend the impact of Pause, and would appreciate your help in growing the list of subscribers.

Would you please take a moment and think of others who might value these messages. Think beyond your normal circle of friends, family and colleagues with whom you might already be sharing them.

Maybe there’s a new employee you are mentoring, a new colleague who has moved into your previous position, a new in-law, neighbor or friend who would benefit.

Pick one of your favorite past Pauses (I know many of you are filing them away), and forward it along with your personal invitation to subscribe.

Let me know when you’ve extended a few direct invitations. I’ll drop your name into the draw for a bundle of Pause goodies at the end of the month. Many thanks for your help in spreading the word.


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Appreciation, Life in General, Overload & Overwhelm, Pause E-zines, Wellness

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