Pat Katz Pat Katz




PAUSE – 14.16 – What Difference Will You Make Today?

Granville Island-72Reflection: While taking my morning walk along the riverbank trail, I came across a couple of staff from the Meewasin Valley Authority. They were working their way along the trail, emptying the garbage cans scattered throughout the park.

It’s a workplace setting that has a lot to offer especially on a warm spring day. You can’t beat the great outdoors with a river view.

Still, emptying trashcans can’t be the most pleasant job in the world. They’re jammed with sticky cans and bottles and the remnants of fast food lunches in the park. To top it off, they’re overflowing with stinky, leaky plastic bags of doggy do.

On my way past, I gave the fellas a wave of my hand. And then I thought, “I could do better than that!”

So I stopped in my tracks, turned around and said, “Hey, guys, thanks for all the work you do cleaning things up out here. It makes a big difference for all of us, and I really appreciate it!”

And they, in turn, stopped what they were doing, looked up, and rewarded me with two of the biggest grins I’ve seen in some time.

I smiled right back and carried on.


Action: And in that small exchange, I was reminded that it doesn’t take much to lift another’s spirits or make someone’s day.

We simply need to move ourselves off auto-pilot, tap into an appreciative intention, and act on the opportunities that are right in front of us.

Our actions need not be any more extraordinary than the acts they recognize. A smile. A kind word. A helping hand. They’re all simple, doable ways of making a positive difference and giving an upbeat tilt to someone else’s day.

And, by the way, extending appreciation is a definite twofer. It lifts our own spirits too. Positive actions doing double duty. Who could ask for more?


Quotes Of The Week: No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another. – Charles Dickens

As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way. – Mary Anne Radmacher


Resource Of The Week: You, too, might appreciate the positive actions and outcomes portrayed in this brief but lovely video: What Is It That You Desire Most?


Readers Write:

In response to last week’s ezine, Are You Dazed? Try A Doze! Pause reader BH writes: I have been finding myself taking short naps over the past few years. I thought it was just me getting older. Now I see it was me getting wiser.

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Appreciation, Life in General, Overload & Overwhelm, Pause E-zines

No Responses to “PAUSE – 14.16 – What Difference Will You Make Today?”

  1. Arthemon Rurangwa

    I totally agree with you. Most of the time people forget that a sincere smile is free even if you can’t buy anything with it!

    Thank you for your contribution to the world.

  2. Pat Katz

    So true, Arthemon. Smile on! Cheers, Pat

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