PAUSE – 11.31 – Reconnecting
REFLECTION: It’s been an active spring here with program design and delivery, travelling for work and pleasure, shepherding my next book through its the final stages of design, and tending the yard and garden. As a result, I’ve been feeling twinges that tell me I’m growing out of touch with friends and family.
And so, over the last few weeks I’ve been consciously making efforts to reach out – to act on those urges to reconnect. When J left email and phone messages on my birthday, I called her back and we had a great voice to voice visit that ended in plans to get together later this summer. When C responded to the contents of a Pause message with an email message carrying news of her own, I picked up the phone and we had a great half hour catching up voice to voice.
When I realized how long it had been since L and I had visited, on spec that she might be in town, I called to see if she was up for lunch. She was, we did, and I remembered why face to face visits and time spent with friends are so uplifting and affirming. When I noticed my sister in Saudi had just posted a message to Facebook, I messaged to see if she was free. She was, and we enjoyed a one hour Skype visit – voice to voice and face to face – catching up on each other’s news.
In every case, I ended up delighted with the exchange that followed as a result of acting on that urge to reconnect. And, I’m feeling much more in touch and in tune.
ACTION: With whom are you longing to connect? Who is so often on your mind and on your radar, but so rarely on your call list or social calendar?
Pick one person. Make that call. Lift your spirits – and theirs.
“Go often to the house of your friend; for weeds soon choke up the unused path.” – Scandanavian proverb
“Friends, family, and a quiet mind are your true wealth.” – Robert Allen
“There are people who take the heart out of you and there are people who put it back.” – Elizabeth David
RESOURCE OF THE WEEK: For more good ideas on regaining balance in life, check out this HealthQuest article from WarrenShepell sharing ideas for how to Take Control Of Your Life!
READERS WRITE: Last week’s Pause message, “It’s All Good…Or Is It?” generated quite a strong response. I’ve pulled together a sampling of comments and posted them all together on the Pause Blog. Hop on over for a closer read.
Tags: burnout, communication, delight, overload, overwhelm, Pat Katz, Patricia Katz, pause, perspective, Saskatoon, speaker, stress, time, wellness