Pat Katz Pat Katz




Closed For Business?

Ever wonder how to get some relief from collegial interruptions? Try this strategy complements of a recent seminar participant.  Hang a Closed sign on the door to your office.


That’s exactly what one creative individual did about 4:00 on a hectic Friday afternoon. The traffic to her door and desk had been hot and heavy all day long. She decided if she was ever going to get away for the weekend, she had to find a way to stem the endless tide of incoming tasks and questions. And so, up went the sign.

Apparently her action created quite a stir and a lot of laughs. And darned if she didn’t get away from the office at a decent hour. Of course every sign has a flip side, and Monday morning she was once again happily and graciously open for business. 

Life Balance, Overload & Overwhelm

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