Pat Katz Pat Katz




Rediscovered: A Passion For Facilitation

Recently, I’ve focused more on art than speaking. However, my experience last week reminded me of how much I love working with groups, too.

I facilitated a half day retreat titled, Cultivating Collegial Connections, for the staff and leadership of the Legislative Assembly Service with the Saskatchewan government.

Like many groups, the distancing they experienced during the pandemic strained that sense of connectedness. Partner a couple of years of remote working with retirements, new hires, and changes in roles means that it can be a real challenge to maintain existing relationships and establish new ones.

The session that I designed focused on… consolidating relationships and deepening connections so that all would feel more comfortable and confident working together and supporting each other.

By the end of the session, participants knew a lot more about each other, and even learned a few new things about themselves.

The activities were highly interactive, and the level of engagement was through the roof. We grouped and regrouped through the afternoon to help strengthen relationships across organizational silos.

As the session moved along, we took the conversations from light and superficial to more significant, experimenting with ways to deepen connections in daily interactions. We ended by exploring practical ways to become valued resources who support each other’s success.

This experience re-ignited my own passion for facilitating similar sessions with other groups. If you know of or are part of an organization where people are looking to reconnect after the distancing fallout of these pandemic years, do let me know or pass my name their way.

‘It is always a pleasure to work with you. You are such a thoughtful and skilled facilitator, and you masterfully guide any group and ignite their energies.’ – T Gedak, Sr OD Consultant, LAS

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Appreciation, Communication, Miscellaneous

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