Pat Katz Pat Katz




Pausing In Paris

One of the things I love most about Paris is the pace. Sure, there are places where cars and scooters are whizzing by, the traffic is heavy, and folks seem bent on getting somewhere in a hurry.

However, there are many more places where people are ambling along arm in arm, soaking up the sun on a park bench, or lingering over a coffee at a sidewalk cafe.

I thought you might enjoy are few images I captured of Pausing in Paris. Enjoy!

Sunning In The TuileriesSunning In The Tuileries

Solferino SnoozersSnoozing On The Passerelle Solferino over the Seine

Nodding Off Near Notre DameNodding Off Near Notre Dame

(Yep, same afternoon. Nope, not the same girls)

Doggin It At Place De La ConcordeDoggin’ It At The Place De La Concorde

Life Balance, Life in General, Miscellaneous, Travel

No Responses to “Pausing In Paris”

  1. esr

    What a great way to pause and slowly integrate your way back home! Looking forward to your return to Canada Pat. You are a great travel guide, narrator, writer – and a very talented artist.
    Thanks for sharing your adventures!!!

  2. Linda Epstein

    Ditto “esr”. I have enjoyed sharing your adventures vicariously and I wish you a safe trip home.


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