Pat Katz Pat Katz




PAUSE -11.02- A Slice Of Humble Pie

Last fall, I gifted my grandson with a subscription to a popular children’s magazine. I received, in return, a postcard to send the little guy indicating that the magazines would soon be on their way. I mailed him the postcard and also told him what to expect.
When I checked repeatedly with his Mom through the late fall and early winter about whether the magazines had started arriving, the answer was always no. In fact, they never even received the postcard announcement of the gift itself.
So, now, three months later, I finally decided it was time to call the magazine offices and demand an explanation. Irritated would be a pretty accurate description of my state of mind. I grew even more irritated by the time I held through the voice mail queue to lodge my complaint with James, a real live agent. bI laid out my problem fact by fact – in a tone that may have held just the slightest of edges.
On looking up my subscription account number, James immediately explained the situation. Turns out I had provided the right street address, but the wrong postal code, so the magazines had bounced back as undeliverable. The third time this happened, the distributor investigated, discovered the error, corrected the postal code, and had already graciously extended the subscription by the missing three months. The first magazine of the new year was already on its way to the corrected destination.
I thanked James for handling the situation so well, and apologized for my error. All set to point the finger of blame, I had no one to aim it at but myself.
I know I’m not the only person out there prone to jumping to conclusions. You may have experienced ‘a leap of sanctimony’ a time or two yourself. Self righteous indignation raises its ugly head in small ways and large ways both in the workplace and on the homefront. And, it’s such a colossal waste of energy with a strong likelihood of collateral damage.
Here are my reminder ‘Note To Self’ rules for tackling life’s sticky altercations:
* Speak up sooner rather than later when something goes awry.
* Don’t automatically ascribe incompetence on the part of others.
* Never assume that an error is entirely someone else’s fault.
* Explore what part I may have played in causing the problem.
* Be prepared to take or share responsibility for making things right.
P.S. In case it’s been a while, and you might have forgotten, I can tell you that humble pie has a unique flavor all its own!
The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That’s the day we truly grow up.” – John C. Maxwell
I would rather the man who presents something for my consideration subject me to a zephyr of truth and a gentle breeze of responsibility rather than blow me down with a curtain of hot wind.” – Grover Cleveland
In response to last week’s message, What’s Your Intention, Pause reader JG writes: This message is so fortuitous. I was just discussing choosing a word for the year with a friend. I realized I had already chosen mine while writing in my journal at year’s end. My word is LIGHT. To me it means to let the light in, spirituality, physically and emotionally; to follow my light; to share my light with the world; and to lighten up and enjoy the ride, to see the lighter side of things. I put this in motion by easing myself back into things on my first day back at work in a fairly stressed environment. I took the first half hour to read and lighten my expectations. I invited staff out for coffee first thing in the morning to lighten up the start to the work week. I lightened up our regularly scheduled meetings. And, on a personal note, I am lightening up on what I eat for supper (more salads please) and will hopefully lighten up the reading on the scale after my Christmas indulgences.
PS 2 – If you’ve been pondering your word for the year, I can tell you that these are some of the words that Pause readers tell me they have chosen to guide their direction for 2011: Thankfulness, Focus, Change, Reinforcement, Adventure, Reflection, Patience, Connection, and Gratitude

Pie Slice-wREFLECTION: Last fall, I gifted my grandson with a subscription to a popular children’s magazine. I received, in return, a postcard to send the little guy indicating that the magazines would soon be on their way. I mailed him the postcard and also told him what to expect.

When I checked repeatedly with his Mom through the late fall and early winter about whether the magazines had started arriving, the answer was always no. In fact, they never even received the postcard announcement of the gift itself.

So, now, three months later, I finally decided it was time to call the magazine offices and demand an explanation. Irritated would be a pretty accurate description of my state of mind. I grew even more irritated by the time I held through the voice mail queue to eventually lodge my complaint with James, a real live agent. I laid out my problem fact by fact – in a tone that may have held just the slightest of edges.

On looking up my subscription account number, James immediately explained the situation. Turns out I had provided the right street address, but the wrong postal code, so the magazines had bounced back as undeliverable. The third time this happened, the distributor investigated, discovered the error, corrected the postal code, and had already graciously extended the subscription by the missing three months. The first magazine of the new year was on its way to the corrected destination.

I thanked James for handling the situation so well, and apologized for my error. All set to point the finger of blame, I had no one to aim it at but myself.

ACTION: I know I’m not the only person out there prone to jumping to conclusions. You may have experienced ‘a leap of sanctimony’ a time or two yourself. Self righteous indignation raises its ugly head in small and large ways both in the workplace and on the homefront. And, it’s such a colossal waste of energy with a strong likelihood of collateral damage.

Here are my reminder ‘Note To Self’ guidelines for tackling life’s sticky altercations:

* Speak up sooner rather than later when something goes awry.

* Don’t automatically ascribe incompetence on the part of others.

* Never assume that an error is entirely someone else’s fault.

* Explore what part I may have played in causing the problem.

* Be prepared to take or share responsibility for making things right.

P.S. In case it’s been a while, and you might have forgotten, I can tell you that humble pie has a unique flavor all its own!

QUOTES OF THE WEEK: The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That’s the day we truly grow up.” – John C. Maxwell

I would rather the man who presents something for my consideration subject me to a zephyr of truth and a gentle breeze of responsibility rather than blow me down with a curtain of hot wind.” – Grover Cleveland

READERS WRITE: In response to last week’s message, What’s Your Intention, Pause reader JG writes: This message is so fortuitous. I was just discussing choosing a word for the year with a friend. I realized I had already chosen mine while writing in my journal at year’s end. My word is LIGHT. To me it means to let the light in, spirituality, physically and emotionally; to follow my light; to share my light with the world; and to lighten up and enjoy the ride, to see the lighter side of things. I put this in motion by easing myself back into things on my first day back at work in a fairly stressed environment. I took the first half hour to read and lighten my expectations. I invited staff out for coffee first thing in the morning to lighten up the start to the work week. I lightened up our regularly scheduled meetings. And, on a personal note, I am lightening up on what I eat for supper (more salads please) and will hopefully lighten up the reading on the scale after my Christmas indulgences.

PS 2 – If you’ve been pondering your word for the year, I can tell you that these are some of the words that Pause readers tell me they have chosen to guide their direction for 2011: Thankfulness, Focus, Change, Reinforcement, Adventure, Reflection, Patience, Connection, and Gratitude.

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Life in General, Miscellaneous, Pause E-zines

No Responses to “PAUSE -11.02- A Slice Of Humble Pie”

  1. Corinne

    Hola Pat, loved this Humble Pie entry. I have recently made a friend of a lovely young woman of 33 who has done some meditating (serious) and I learned two great things from her. One is a propos to this weeks entry. Pointing a gun finger (one finger out to them and three fingers back to us) reminds us of who really might be at fault. A vary graphic reminder to oneself.
    The other is about meditation. I have always found it difficult to clear my head of “thoughts” long enough to sink into deep meditation. Many people I know who have thoughts constantly in their heads say the same thing. What she suggested is that when a thought (often negative) comes into our brain we stamp ourselves over and over with that thought. Kindergarten in meditation is to take that thought, watch it come in and watch it go out so that stamping it all over our body does not turn you into that negative thought. It works! I just watch these thoughts come in and then say goodbye to them as they leave!Makes for a more peaceful life and makes me a person that people are much happier to be around.
    MM, what you can learn from insightful people no matter what age. Corinne

  2. Pat Katz

    Teachers are everywhere, aren’t they? If we’re open to the learning, that is. Interesting technique for flitting thoughts. With respect to this week’s message, one of my Pause readers replied that in their workplace they encourage each other to give up the ‘right to be right’ and grant grace instead. I love that idea, too.

  3. Toni

    Corinne, thank you so much for this technique. To say that the ability to clear my mind of thoughts so that I can meditate has eluded me would be an understatement. I LOVE this idea and will try it right now… on a situation where I am on the verge of being sanctimonious! Thanks to both of you. T!

  4. Poor Customer Service Spells Opportunity | The Eagle Blog

    […] trait of leaping to a conclusion that someone else is at fault … the blog entry is called A Slice of Humble Pie.  Pat’s point is dead on, I think most people do have this reaction when something goes […]

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