Pat Katz Pat Katz




PAUSE – 9.28 – I Wonder

Morden Sunrise-wREFLECTION: The bud on the Morden Sunrise rose popped open this morning. With its warm gold and apricot tones, it’s aptly named. I wondered at its beauty.

During yesterday morning’s riverside walk, a beaver surfaced, nosing its way downstream –  slicing smoothly through the water, ripples streaming to either side. I wondered at its ease.

Last week I accompanied my grandson to the Exhibition Parade. As the little guy watched the Shriners circle their mini sports cars, he roared with head-thrown-back laughter and slapped his thigh like an old man delivering the punch-line of his favorite joke to a brand new audience. I wondered at the pure unadulterated joy.

ACTION: What other marvels of life and nature will cross my path and yours today? Will we pause as we move through our lists of to-do’s and be present enough to notice the ta-da’s?

I wonder! Do you?

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder.” – Ralph W. Sockman

RESOURCE OF THE WEEK: If you’re in a mood to wonder, take a wander through a few of the Katz Pausegarden images at:

Life Balance, Life in General, Nature, Pause E-zines

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