Pat Katz Pat Katz




PAUSE – 19.10 – Nix The Negatory Oratory           

Reflection:  How is your day going?

Not bad. Well, it’s not raining. I’m not dead yet. Could be worse.“

Thanks for your help.

No problem. It was nothing. No big deal. Not worth mentioning.”

Does language make a difference? You bet it does. It can lift people up or put them down – our selves included.

What features most in your way of showing up and conversing with the world?

Gloom and despair – or joy and fresh air?


Action: There are a great many things beyond our control that colour our everyday experience. But what is always within our control are things like these:

  • The words we choose and the language we use.
  • Our mindset about the events of the day.
  • Our gratitude for what we do have and the things that are going well.
  • The care and compassion we extend to ourselves and to others.
  • Whether we view our experiences as proof of how badly life sucks or as invitations to stretch in new directions.

The choices are ours. And those choices start with the thoughts we think and the words we speak.

Pick the positive. Nix the negative. And watch the world start unfolding in more upbeat ways.


Quotes Of The Week: We always think we’d be happier in some faraway place, as if you could catch a plane to a state of mind. – Robert Brault

Joy, collected over time, fuels resilience. – Brene Brown

If you don’t think every day is a good day, just try missing one. – Cavett Robert

Occasionally it’s good to pause, take a moment and remind yourself of the things in your life that are just fine. – Robert Brault


Resources Of The Week: Check out this article by Dr. Travis Bradberry: Three Powerful Ways To Stay Positive.

You might also appreciate the ideas in this piece by Margie Warrell: Your Words Are Powerful  – 8 Positive Speaking Habits to Build Yourself Up.


Readers Write:

In response to last month’s message, Take A Power Nap For A Power Boost, Pause reader AH writes:  40 Winks is what my Pop called it. I’m enjoying 40 Winks now. Wish I’d taken more when I was younger. I’m teaching my grandkids and kids to enjoy them, too.


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Appreciation, Communication, Life in General, Pause E-zines, Wellness

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