Pat Katz Pat Katz




PAUSE – 16.20 – Are You Standing Up & Stepping Out?

Abstract - Time To Start Something New-w


My Thoughts:

As I grow older, I seem to become less concerned about knowing how things will end before I commit to a start.

Maybe I’m more confident in my ability to handle whatever comes up.

Or maybe I’ve realized that imagining I control the outcomes is mostly an illusion anyway.

I do know that I’ve been around the block enough times to realize that the sheer act of beginning something new opens doors and invites possibilities that are never apparent when you’re hunkered down on the sidelines wondering, ‘Should I…?’


Your Thoughts:

Are you toying with trying something new? Why not find a low risk way to stand up, step out, and test the waters?

Let yourself be surprised and amazed. And, let me know how it goes!



News Notes:

It’s just over a year since I stood up and stepped out to explore the challenges of mid life malaise. Some of you will remember responding to a survey on that topic in early 2015.

Since then, I’ve used the results of that research to craft a variety of programs on Rekindling Spark – Navigating Mid Life Malaise. Over the last six months, I’ve designed and delivered a Ted Talk, a conference keynote, a follow up breakout session, and a half day seminar.

There’s nothing like stepping out and testing new material to see if it makes a contribution and a difference. And, this most certainly does.

  • People tell me they’ve been inspired to explore new directions in their work and personal lives.
  • Some have found ways to actively support others who are seeking new challenges.
  • Many say they appreciate having the language and a model to think and talk about the challenge of malaise.
  • And, still others are taking this info back to their workplaces and encouraging their leadership to be more active in helping people grow and challenge themselves.

I’m delighted with the difference this is making. Just last week after attending both my keynote and breakout, a tearful conference attendee gave me a big hug and thanked me profusely for not only making her day, but also making her life! It feels great to feel useful!

If Rekindling Spark is a topic that resonates for you and your colleagues, please give me a call (306-934-1807) or drop me a line ( I’d love to speak with you about how I might help rekindle a few more sparks in your lives and organizations.

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Appreciation, Life Balance, Life in General, Pause Poster Message, Spark/Malaise, Wellness

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