Pat Katz Pat Katz




PAUSE – 15.25 – It Only Take A Spark

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My Thoughts: “It only takes a spark to get a fire going; and soon all those around will warm up to its glowing.” That’s the opening line of a tune by Kurt Kaiser that may be familiar to many.

Once upon a time, in a life long ago, I adapted those lyrics in the form of a friendship song for a summer camp that I directed. From time to time, that tune still shows up as an earworm in my brain. I don’t mind. The words still ring as true today as they did back then.

When you are excited about something in your world, when you have a light in your eyes and even a most modest fire in your belly, the impact (on you and others around you) is both positive and contagious.


Your Thoughts: What’s lighting up your life these days? And if things are feeling just a tad dark and chilly, where and how might you find a way to strike a spark?


News Notes: As you know, I’ve been researching this issue of mid-life malaise – that unfocused feeling of discomfort or dis-ease. You may not be able to pinpoint the exact cause, but the feelings are real: blah, stale, uninspired, rusting out, under-challenged or under-engaged.

Over the summer, I’ve turned my attention to refining a keynote and workshop based on the results of this spring’s survey. Being invited to deliver a TedX Talk on this topic in October has focused my effort. So the pressure is on – in a good way!

As I flesh out the programs, I’ll be including real life examples of situations where a fresh challenge, direction, or interest has rekindled excitement and enthusiasm.

This is an invitation to share your story from long ago or from recent history. Just send me an email ( with the word, Spark, in the title.

Tell me about a time when a fresh challenge, direction, or interest rekindled your excitement and enthusiasm for life. It could be at work or from your personal, family or community life – the arena doesn’t matter.

What was your spark? What triggered it, or how did you stumble upon it? And what kind of impact did this fresh engagement have on you and those around you?

PS – I know you don’t really need an incentive to share your experience. But, all the same, I’d like to express my thanks in a tangible way. I’ll be tossing the names of all who share a story into a draw. One story contributor will receive a copy of an interesting book I just discovered: Life Reimagined. Good luck and thanks to all!


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Appreciation, Life in General, Pause Poster Message, Wellness

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