PAUSE – 15.21 – What Does Wishing You The Best Really Mean?
My Thoughts: As you close a written message, perhaps you (like me) occasionally use the phrase: All the Best.
I recently looked at those words as I typed them on my screen and paused to consider what they really meant.
I know the phrase expresses my good intentions and positive wishes.
I also know that ‘best’ doesn’t refer to designer clothes, high-end cars, or big time paychecks.
The quote expressed in the image above does a pretty decent job of capturing the meaning: “The best things in life are the people we love, the places we’ve been, and the memories we’ve made along the way.”
Your Thoughts: As we move through the halfway point of summer, how can you best use your time and your resources to appreciate the people you love, enjoy the places you visit, and make more memories along the way?
News Notes:
Malaise Research & Programming Update: The summary and analysis work on this spring’s Survey on Malaise is coming to a close. (A special shout out thanks to analyst Nikki Hipkin for her expert assistance along the way.)
This link will take you to a pdf version of a two-page summary of the responses to the complete survey: Survey On Malaise Report.
I’m happy to build on the early results that I was able to share a couple of months ago. Included in this expanded report are success strategies for moving through malaise and ideas for effectively supporting others who find themselves stuck in the doldrums.
The next stage of the work will be to incorporate these findings into a series of articles (and perhaps a few video clips). I’ll also be using the insights to fine tune the design work that I’m doing on a new conference keynote and half day workshop on this topic. Stay tuned.
Making More Memories: I’m about to follow my own memory making advice by stepping away from work once more this summer. During the first week of August, I’ll be an eager student in artist Brenda Swenson’s Watercolor class in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina (my Christmas present from husband Dave). During the second week, I’ll be playing host to our oldest daughter and our two year old grandson. Can’t wait to see them both.
That means, I’ll be continuing the Pause messages the third week in August. Until then, I wish you all the best!
Tags: appreciation, attitude, communication, delight, focus, Pat Katz, Patricia Katz, pause, perspective, Saskatoon, speaker, success, wellness
I read with interest the update on malaise. My first thought after reading it was the overall sense of “helplessness”. If I see this in sense of society I wonder how we go to this point? Is it about getting older and not accomplishing what our dreams were (did we even have a dream………
Not sure but need to reflect more.
Great study and I get the believe it will cause a lot of dialogue and discussions (with oneself and/or others.
Les, there certainly is an element of helplessness to malaise. That’s a good way of describing the ‘stuckness’ (if there is such a word) of the experience.