PAUSE – 13.26 – Can We Talk?
Reflection: One of the many pleasures of this summer, was a night spent camping out in a tent in the backyard with six year old grandson, Ethan.
This is the second year we’ve done this. Last summer Ethan wondered why we couldn’t bring the TV or the ipad out to the tent. This year, that idea didn’t even come up.
Still he wanted to know what we’d do – besides eating a giant bag of cheese puffs, which apparently has already become a tradition.
I suggested we’d mess around with the flashlights, read some books, play a few games, make up some stories and well, just talk. We did all those things and more.
One of the sweetest moments of the adventure – and there were many – was when Ethan turned to me late in the evening and declared, “You know, this talking is a lot more fun than I thought it would be.” And, indeed, it was!
With a limited number of distractions, the conversation flowed. I learned what’s on the mind of a six year old about to start grade one, and in the age old tradition of grandparenting was able to share a story or two from the old days. ‘Sweet’ is the word that best describes the experience for me. I’m pretty sure ‘epic’ would be Ethan’s choice.
Action: In today’s multitasking world, making time for conversation – and just conversation – is fast becoming a lost art. Far too often, if we’re talking at all, we’re layering the conversation over a host of other distractions.
Pause and consider how you might wangle a few conversations that could transport you and those you care about (family, friends and colleagues) beyond the world of distraction and into the world of connection.
You don’t have to travel far, you just have to travel well.
Quote Of The Week: “I was surprised at the conversations you can have when there is absolutely nothing to do but make conversation.” – Katie Pederson
Resource Of The Week: Katie Pederson shares how conversation shared on a three day sail with her dad and grandad deepened the connections between them all.
Readers Write: In response to ‘Move Things Forward’, one of this summer’s Pause Gems, reader TD writes: This reminds me of when I was walking my dog through the park and found two things. First, someone did not clean up after their dog. Second, the tire swing had been wound around the upper bar so that no one could use it. The first situation was resolved quickly because I had doggie bags on my person. The second really ticked me off because kids couldn’t enjoy the swing. So, when I got home, I loaded my ladder up in the back of my car, drove back to the park, and unwound the tire swing. I felt much better after doing that and didn’t have to spend the rest of my day fuming.
Tags: appreciation, attitude, communication, connection, delight, Pat Katz, Patricia Katz, pause, perspective, Saskatoon, speaker, success, time out
Loved your story about your adventures for you and your grandson. My grandson is also going into Grade 1 this year and I had the pleasure of having him here with me for a few times over the summer. I’m amazed how intelligent kids are these days…intense conversations usuing large words and understanding life as it is in their world. Absolutely love having him around and sharing in great times with Gramma!
They are amazing aren’t they, Brenda. Such a sweet time in life to able to enjoy their company.