Pat Katz Pat Katz




PAUSE – 13.13 – What’s New In Your World?

Reflection: It was a lively chaotic commotion-filled people-rich Easter weekend here for the Katz family.

We hosted ‘Baby’s First Tea Party’ on Saturday to introduce our new grandson to the neighbors and extended family. About 30 people joined us through the afternoon including five babies and two preschoolers. It was mayhem in its most delightful wonder-full form. On Sunday, a slightly smaller group – with almost as many little ones – congregated at my sister’s home for Easter dinner.

The last decade of gatherings saw our collective offspring move through the angst of the late teens and early twenties and into the excitement of partners and marriages. It is an absolute delight to see the circle of life take another turn.

We now find ourselves knee deep in soothers, rattles, bottles, diapers and all the paraphernalia of modern babydom. How amazing it is to watch these new moms and dads find their legs as parents. And, how rewarding for those of us a little further around that circle of life to engage in gleeful rounds of ‘Pass The Babies’.

Engaging with new life in all its forms holds such power and energy. Holding a baby in your arms. Admiring the newborn calves kicking up their heels in the pasture. Following the progress of the spring crocuses and tulips as they poke their noses through the warm earth. Welcoming an intern or young summer staff member to an established workplace. Launching a new product or service in a not-so-new business.

There is something undeniably invigorating about new beginnings and fresh starts.


Action: If parts of your life seem stale and much seems old hat (been there…done that), now might be a very good time to connect with something or someone new to jumpstart and rekindle your enthusiasm for life.

What’s it going to be for you? Keep your eyes and your mind open. Novelty awaits. And with it comes fresh energy and renewed enthusiasm. What awesome gifts!


Quotes Of The Week: I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning. – J. B. Priestly

The secret to a rich life is to have more beginnings than endings. – Dave Weinbaum

We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves, otherwise we harden. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Be willing to be a beginner every single morning. – Meister Eckhart


Resource Of The Week: I don’t share many links to You Tube videos, but given the ‘What’s New With You?’ theme of today’s message, I can’t resist introducing you to these two young ’uns holding a very spirited conversation in their very own language. It sounds for all the world like a couple of seasoned lifers hanging out on coffee row or lingering around the water cooler at the office chewing over the world’s problems of the day. Although their wardrobe is a bit more basic! Enjoy.


Readers Write: In response to last week’s message ‘Are You Still Tormenting Yourself?’ Pause reader CD writes: Wow, do I hear you! It’s a tough assignment – defining ourselves. At one time we worked on the mission, value, vision statements and they were full of business words, not real practical. So now we are reviewing all again. What we needed in our group was a mind shift. Instead of talking about our values, we sat down and asked what do our customers want from us and why do they deal with us. Then we defined the three goals we had to achieve to meet these demands. Then we talked about the values we had to live by to achieve them. It’s clearer now than last year and way more clear than 15 years ago.  And this spring we will work some more.


What’s New With Me? I’ve developed and am presently testing and tweaking a new keynote based on my experiences in art:  Live & Learn – The Art of Insight. It’s not yet ready for prime time, but when it is, I’ll be sure to let you know. Stay tuned!

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Appreciation, Life in General, Pause E-zines

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