Euro Oddity Series – #1
Sadly, the iPad we traveled with during our four weeks in England and France made posting photos to my blog en route extremely difficult. So, posts have had to wait till our return.
Now that I’m back in Canada again, I’m going to be posting a few bits and bobs (Brit term, that) of interest from our trip: sights, signs, oddities, and observations. Nothing too serious! Expect a minor flurry over the next week. Hope you enjoy them.
For those of you who pride yourself as fashion forward folks, these jackets were featured in a London men’s wear store window in the Burlington Arcades just off Picadilly between Old Bond and Regent streets.
I didn’t see any of these suits on guys on the street. And I’m pretty sure I would have noticed!
What I did notice is that harem pants are making a big comeback on the women’s fashion front! No, I did not pick up a pair myself!
Tags: curiosities, Pat Katz, Patricia Katz, pause, Saskatoon, speaker, Travel
I love those suits! How totally British. They remind me of the 60’s and 70’s when anything that clashed went together.
Thank you ever so much for sharing.
They do have a modish 60’s flavor to them, don’t they? Such a contrast to the much more conservative tailored Saville Row type suits in neighboring windows.
Glad to hear you took a pass on the harem pants Pat. I had a bright green pair in the early 80’s. They were not a good fashion choice then – and I don’t think are all that great the second or third time around. ha. ha. (Although if anyone could pull them off, you could. 🙂
Thanks for the post.
Bright green harem pants – the mind boggles! I did note that there’s a certain body type that seems to be able to carry them off well – not mine, I think!
I wonder if that is where Don Cherry gets his ideas for suits. 🙂
There is a strong similarity in style, isn’t there?
I think that my “body type” may make me look like the whole harem!