Pat Katz Pat Katz
Pat Katz Pat Katz




PAUSE – 15.18 – Character Is Every Bit As Remark-able As Accomplishment

Reflection: A noteworthy accomplishment or contribution is the most common trigger for extending appreciation to colleagues.

  • They’ve gone out of their way to lend a hand or pave the way.
  • They’ve committed their time and energy to something – perhaps even going above and beyond the call of duty.
  • They’ve certified, qualified or been promoted.
  • They’ve met or exceeded goals for sales, transactions, or deliverables – whatever is measured that’s deemed to count.
  • They’ve met a mid point project milestone or wound it up completely and sent it on its way.

Celebrating what others DO is important.

So, too, is the celebration of who people ARE – their character and their way of being in this world.

  • Perhaps someone is just naturally friendly or cordial – day in and day out.
  • Perhaps someone is very approachable – the kind of person who injects warmth into every interaction with colleagues and clients.
  • Perhaps someone is quick to quip – to crack a joke that lightens the mood.
  • Someone may be especially compassionate – highly tuned to the feelings of others and skilled at finding just the right words in a tough situation.

These characteristics – often taken for granted or overlooked – don’t always trigger a reading on the old appreci-ometer.

But they could and they should; because it’s precisely these ways of being that make such a positive difference in our relationships and our workplace cultures.


Action: Take a look around this week at work, in your family, and in your community of friends.

Who do you appreciate simply because of how they are and the values they represent?

Pause to find a way to convey how much this matters to you and to others. Let them know (or remind them) of the upbeat impact they have on you and othersin your circle.


Quotes Of The Week: Persons with weight of character carry, like planets, their atmospheres along with them in their orbits. – Thomas Hardy

Try not to become a man (person) of success but rather try to become a man (person) of value. – Albert Einstein


Resource Of The WeekTwo Major Misconceptions Leaders Hold About Appreciation by Dr. Paul White is a helpful article on appreciation in the workplace. White explores two common misconceptions about the purpose of appreciation, and he also references the idea featured in today’s Pause message.


Readers Write: In response to the recent message, ‘Are You Tending To The Tugs’, Pause reader LC writes: Yes, we need to tend the tugs in our lives.  In addition to the personal tugs that come from within, there are tugs from others that can be useful if we are attentive. I’m not talking about the unwanted shove, the snide remark or other negative interaction. But there are people in our lives who can give us encouragement at the right time to do the right thing. It may be advice that comes from years of living, something we read (like PAUSE, for example) or maybe just a ‘thank you’ or a ‘well done’. By all means, we need to avoid or ignore the pushers or the naysayers, but be grateful for those upon whose wisdom we can rely.

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Appreciation, Communication, Pause E-zines

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