Pat Katz Pat Katz




Making It Personal Pays Off

When it comes to appreciation, one size does not fit all, and a generic thank you falls short of the mark. This is a point that I often stress when I speak and write about how to boost the impact of appreciation and recognition.

Today, a prime example of this idea arrived in my mailbox.

For several years now, I’ve been a member of CARFAC – the association representing Canadian professional visual artists. Each year I pay my dues and in return I receive my membership card, a receipt and a letter pointing out the benefits of belonging to the association. Pretty standard and a tad ho hum.

This year, I found something extra tucked into the envelope.This time, for the first time, a small hand bound sketchbook accompanied the regular paperwork. My thoughts?  Unusual. What a sweet gesture. How nice.

As I flipped open the booklet, another surprise awaited. There on the first page was a hand drawn pencil portrait – of me! My second thoughts? Cool! How awesome is that? How unusual for an organization to take the time to personalize a gift this way!

My husband also renewed his membership in CARFAC. He received a sketchbook as well with, as you might guess, a hand drawn pencil portrait of ‘his truly’.

CARFAC Saskatchewan has taken a commonplace transaction and elevated it to the level of a fresh experience.

Do I feel more valued, appreciated, connected? Why, yes I do. Thank you very much. Seriously, thank you very much!

And that, my friends, is the potential impact of personalizing your expressions of appreciation.

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6 Responses to “Making It Personal Pays Off”

  1. Maureen Haddock

    Oh my goodness, I would be thrilled to receive such a surprise. You are so right…a little something extra makes appreciation resonate. That will stay with you and your readers for a long time.
    Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your husband!

  2. Pat Katz

    Hi Maureen. Yes, I’ve been advising people in Appreciation Seminars for a long time to be sure to personalize as much as possible. Sometimes all it takes is a personal PS at the end of a group email. Anything that shows you directed some special attention towards another is a great gift. Thanks to you for the gift of your comments. Happy Valentine’s Day to you and Gord as well. All the best, Pat

  3. Lillian Perschke

    That would be so heart warming! We get so busy in our lives that we don’t take time for little appreciative gestures, kind words and words of encouragement. Love it!

  4. Pat Katz

    Isn’t that true, Lillian. Although I’m sure this gesture took more and a moment to execute, there are many other things we can do to show appreciation that take next to no time at all. Thanks for your comment, Pat

  5. Stephanie Staples

    That’s so cool! Definitely makes you think about creating the ‘wow’ factor in your touchpoints!

  6. Pat Katz

    It really did have an impact on me. So many opportunities out there for this kind of action.

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